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BIWIN Business Leaders Gather for Premier BLS 2023 Summit

BIWIN Leadership Summit

With a local presence in nearly 40 countries, BIWIN Storage Technology’s successful expansion in recent years fulfills an important part of the corporate business strategy.

To celebrate, BIWIN recently brought together its business leaders from China, Brazil, India, EMEA, LATAM, Mexico, North America, SAARC, Taipei, and more.

The international group of leaders spent the BIWIN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2023 days in the new Shenzhen head office, listening to department heads and product managers outline their most recent high-tech developments.

Organized under the leadership of Kevin Xu, Senior Vice President (Director and Board Member), the international group driving BIWIN sales overseas was able to increase their understanding of the latest company developments.

These developments include:

The BIWIN R&D and the Product Department presented the latest in technology and the BIWIN roadmaps. BIWIN specializes in flash storage and dram, significant products for the era of Internet of Everything. These BIWIN products ensure the speed and reliability of computing performance inside connected devices, whether a smartphone, VR headset, smart medical device, wearable, latest generation PC, set-top box, or IoT sensor device.

There aren’t many manufacturers in flash storage and DRAM that also do IC packaging and testing. That means many other suppliers must wait until the wafer producers (large companies) do the packaging and stock their supply chain. BIWIN saves months by buying unpackaged wafer in bulk and doing their own packaging. The international leaders were treated to top management insight into BIWIN’s corporate commitment and plans to further develop the IC packaging & Testing services.

Under an official license, BIWIN makes the consumer storage lines of several of the world’s top PC brands. This is not OEM but a much rarer business model. BIWIN competes for an official license to design, build, market and sell under these official brands. Business leaders learned that the most important asset of a Top 5 Global PC company is its brand—and the license-to-build is a well-scrutinized decision in the first place–with constant communication between the brand owner’s company teams and BIWIN departments to ensure our products always meet the expectations of a top brand.

BIWIN Leadership Summit 2

Last year BIWIN opened Phase I of the new BIWIN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS. It’s one of the latest modern factories in the industry and a 110,000 sq m facility. BIWIN is already an award-winning supplier, a leader in the very competitive market of China. With this new campus, leaders learned the production capacity is increased tenfold— bringing all the commercial advantages which bigger production lines and purchasing power can provide customers. The BIWIN Leader Summit included a day trip to the new campus in Huizhou, to meet with the top operations managers about the latest state-of-art included in the new production lines.

On December 30th 2022, BIWIN concluded its IPO listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, chosen for inclusion in the elite STAR MARKET Sci-Tech Innovation group. The leaders discovered that– besides a great vote of confidence in our future by the financial community– this listing creates many financial advantages to help BIWIN increase visibility on the global stage.

Of course, on top of the heavy schedule of the Summit, there was time for team-building exercises that included seeing some of the famous sites in Shenzhen– and even a trip to the famous Computex show in Taipei.

BIWIN Business Leaders
BIWIN Business Leaders on Tour in Shenzhen


To learn more about BIWIN Technology, please visit https://biwintechnology.com

BIWIN Storage Technology Company Limited (known as BIWIN at Stock Symbol: 688525) successfully joined the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the STAR Market, on the elite Sci-tech Innovation Board.

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