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  • BIWIN Wins India’s “Top Achiever in Consumer Storage” Award

BIWIN Wins India’s “Top Achiever in Consumer Storage” Award

[Aug 26th, New Delhi] The IT industry in India honored BIWIN at the 14th annual NCN-ICT Channel Partners Summit. Rajesh Khurana, BIWIN Country Manager for Consumer Business accepted the Top Achiever Award for a Leading Manufacturer of Consumer Storage.

The 14th NCN Innovative Product Awards Night 2022 attracted more than 500 guests from India and overseas including vendors, corporate executives, distributors, and resellers cutting across the verticals of the ICT industry.

The award is given on the basis of online voting as well as assessment by a panel of experts and judges organized by the national publishing house NCN (National CompuTrade News).

The 14th NCN Innovative Product Awards 2022 is an annual recognition event conducted by NCN Magazine where the performers in the ICT industry are awarded for their performances and contributions during the prior year.

The event is also designed to enable the channel partners to gain motivation, understand and experience the latest innovations and techniques to drive their businesses, strengthen their existing relationships and forge new associations with different players in the industry.

As an industry leader, Rajesh Khurana, BIWIN Country Manager for Consumer Business, was also honored with an invitation to join an esteemed panel at the 14th annual NCN-ICT Channel Partners Summit, a panel on the Opportunities & Challenges in the Digital Gaming Space.

Digital gaming is one of the fastest-growing segments in India. This Panel Discussion (with high-level executives from BIWIN, Nvidia, Zotac, Samsung, Gigabyte, and Deep Cool) analyzed how the gaming segment is evolving in India and the opportunities this offers for vendors and partners.

Congratulations, Rajesh!

BIWIN accepts award in INDIA
Rajesh Khurana, BIWIN Country Manager for Consumer Business, INDIA
Gaming Panel
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